Friday 8 April 2022

Pakistani Rosie the Riveter and Women Activism Through the Ages

When the world war 2 started many men recruited into army divisions to boost up the war efforts. By February 1942, American civilian automobile factories only made weapons and military vehicles. Automobile manufacturers such as General Motors and Chrysler used their experience with mass production to quickly build tanks. A large human resource went overseas to fight world war 2 and went on military attachments. This created a huge crisis of labor and hence American government had to woo females though print advertisements to come and take up so called "manly" jobs at garages, plumbing, law enforcement, emergency services, medical nurses, firefighting and all the other jobs that were associated or dominated by men in those times. Women would do predominantly home based jobs and chores as housewives. It was decided to run an ad campaign with a symbolic figure named Rosie the Riveter who is willing to do everything for the sake of motherland "America". Initially, ads projected Rosie as greasy, dusty and in dirty clothes doing tough jobs and her outlook wasn't all too fancy. Women responded with protests and didn't like the idea of a dirty Rosie. So the government changed their strategy by introducing a new Rosie with  elegant make up, dresses and beautiful looks, which were fancy and stylish. This was a huge hit and it became a symbol of women empowerment in USA and also across the globe in the coming ages. People attach women activism, strength and equality with her persona. Attached are some of the Rosie pictures from those times and how the perspective changed and also Rosie from Pakistan pictured as none other than Malala, who signifies the strength and empowerment of women through education. So association with Rosie is a symbolic statement in these posters. Feminists also adopted the symbolism in their artistic depiction of freedom from the shackles of subjugation. Also many sarcastic quotes from across the globe and also in subcontinent floated recently which have comic value and also some rebellious notions attached. There are many different perspective with this legendary persona " Rosie the Riveter"

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