Tuesday 31 October 2023

Revisiting Perspectives: Bridging Generational Gaps

In a world where the limelight often shines brightly on the achievements and ambitions of the youth, it's essential to cast a compassionate and critical eye on the wisdom and experiences of our elders. The generation gap sometimes blinds us to the chronic and systematic inadequacies in our society, many of which were shaped by their own generations.

There's a sense of entitlement that comes with being an elder, and rightfully so, given the wealth of experience they've accumulated over the years. But here's the thing - having that wealth of experience doesn't always mean having a pulse on the current happenings and understanding the complex economic and social injustices that persist in our society.

It's not a blame game; it's a call for introspection. The world is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and the challenges faced today are vastly different from those of yesteryears. It's not easy for our elders to adapt to these changes, and that's where the real dilemma lies. The lessons they've learned throughout their lives can be hard to change.

Change isn't easy, especially in this age bracket. However, it's imperative that we engage in open, respectful dialogues to bridge this generational gap. We must encourage our elders to embrace the changes, to revisit their perspectives, and to acknowledge that our society still grapples with deeply rooted issues. Together, we can work towards a better and more just Pakistan, one that values both the wisdom of the past and the vigor of the future.

Let's cherish our elders and respect their wisdom while working hand in hand to address the chronic systemic inadequacies in our society. Change may be stiffer in this age bracket, but it's never impossible.