Friday 26 July 2019

Few observations on US - Iran crisis

1- The US president scraps nuclear deal with Iran w/o the consensus of other parties to the agreement.

2- The US impose tough economic sanctions back on Iran and bully small countries to act accordingly. (Might is right principle applied)

3- Iran never scraps the deal and waits for European partners of nuke deal to play their role. As expected, they either dont have the muscles or the will to enable the U.S. to change its mind or chalk out an independent approach contrary to Washington.

4- Gulf countries led by KSA leads hostilities on all fronts with Iran. 

5- Britain seizes Iran's tankers off the cost of Gibraltar. Iran being a sovereign state urges to release the tanker unconditionally only to respond with similar action in strait of hormuz. Fair game isnt it?

6- Media portray Iran as a great satan while white washing the west's own bigotry on the self created crisis. 

7- points to ponder? Does only the western countries sovereignty, lives and security matters? What about other countries which have been utterly destroyed to ashes due to undue interference. Who is responsible for making my future endanger. Double game and duplicity isnt it?

8- Here Pakistan must not stay aloof in the event of any aggression. As it is cash strapped, the best option is to pursue diplomacy. However, that option also seem far fetched owing to no worthwhile leverage with both contending powers. Still one must not sit like a lame duck. Also it should not provide any land access to attack Iran in order to creat a two prong situation. We have no enmity whatsoever.

9- Here, I also want to remind the Iranian naive tactics of influencing Pakistan from western borders when Pakistan was engaged with india to their east. Yes jundullah and other issues have been there. Still timing of such statements really pissed the military and civilian leadership. We as Pakistan must not repeat such a behavior to pressurize the Islamic republic. 

10- Iranian moderate leadership is under immense pressure from conservative clergy (mullahs of Iran). Conservatives are taunting rouhani and its able foreign minister for striking a deal with mercurial and non trustworthy US. The death of the deal enhanced clergy's grip on power while moderates are pushed against the wall.

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