Wednesday 18 September 2024

From Akora Khattak to Iowa: My Journey from Global UGRAD Participant to Environmental Advocate

 From Akora Khattak to Iowa: My Journey from Global UGRAD Participant to Environmental Advocate

"My journey from a small town in Pakistan to becoming a global citizen started with the Global UGRAD Pakistan program. Growing up in Akora Khattak, I had dreams but never imagined the doors that would open when I was selected for this life-changing exchange program. The experience was more than just a trip to the United States—it was a journey that would transform me as a person, as a student, and as a leader.

The moment I stepped into Iowa, everything felt different—the vast fields, the open skies, and the cultural diversity on campus. Coming from a town like Akora Khattak, this new world seemed daunting at first. I asked myself: How would I adapt? How could I represent my community, my country, and the values I grew up with in a place so far from home? But soon, I found that despite our differences, the core of human connection remained the same. People were kind, welcoming, and just as curious about my story as I was about theirs.

My time in the U.S. made me realize that the Global UGRAD program was not just about attending classes and fulfilling academic requirements. It was about personal growth, cultural exchange, and stepping out of my comfort zone. The program encouraged me to see the world from new perspectives and to think critically about the global challenges we all face. And while the academic learning was valuable, it was the real-world exposure that made the most impact on me.

I vividly remember the day I gave a presentation about Pakistan to my classmates. It wasn’t just a routine task; it was an opportunity to share my culture, my heritage, and the beauty of my homeland. Standing there, in the heart of Iowa, I felt an overwhelming sense of pride—representing not only Pakistan but also Akora Khattak, my roots, and the stories that shaped me. That moment encapsulated everything the Global UGRAD program was about—cross-cultural understanding, respect, and the exchange of ideas.

It was during this time that I started to notice a new passion emerging within me. My interest in environmental issues grew, sparked by various sustainability workshops and discussions on campus. Living in a community like Akora Khattak, where agriculture is deeply intertwined with daily life, I had seen how climate change affected livelihoods. But it was only through my UGRAD experience that I started to understand the global scope of these issues. Climate change wasn’t just about melting ice caps and rising temperatures—it was about people, communities, and the future of our planet.

Returning to Pakistan, I felt a deep sense of responsibility. Global UGRAD had taught me not just about leadership and advocacy but about the importance of taking action. The environmental issues I had learned about in the U.S. were impacting my own community. I could no longer stand by as a bystander. Inspired by what I had learned, I founded a youth-led climate advocacy organization aimed at addressing these pressing challenges at home. We started small, organizing local initiatives, but soon, our efforts grew. We held the province’s first-ever youth green festival and a successful youth camp in Swat Valley. These were not just events—they were platforms for young people to engage, learn, and take ownership of their future.

This transition from being a Global UGRAD participant to an environmental advocate wasn’t without its challenges. Leading a grassroots movement required patience, resilience, and the ability to bring people together. But the skills I had gained during my exchange—communication, empathy, and cultural sensitivity—were instrumental in navigating these hurdles. I learned how to engage with communities, listen to their concerns, and build trust, much like I had learned to do while adapting to life in the U.S.

Looking back, I realize how pivotal Global UGRAD was in shaping my path. It didn’t just give me an education; it gave me a mission. It opened my eyes to the power of youth-driven initiatives and the potential for global cooperation in solving local problems. The program gave me the confidence to take my ideas beyond the classroom and into the real world, whether through environmental advocacy or leadership in community projects.

For those of you considering the Global UGRAD Pakistan program, I want to share this: it’s more than just a scholarship. It’s a platform for self-discovery, a chance to represent your country, and a journey that will challenge you to grow in ways you never thought possible. You might start this program as a student, but you’ll emerge as a leader, an advocate, and a change-maker. Global UGRAD shaped me into an environmental advocate, but your journey could lead you to any number of paths that make a difference.

Take the leap. Apply for Global UGRAD. Trust me, the experiences, the lessons, and the opportunities you gain will last a lifetime. You never know where this journey might lead, but I promise, it will be worth it."